John Cord

Author of
The Christian Right ... or Wrong?
Selfless Spirit, Selfish Ego

John Cord holds a B.S. degree in Premedicine and is a lifelong, independent scholar of the Bible. His desire to expose the hypocrisy and selfishness of big business, corporate Christianity grew out of his childhood experiences in Japan. The finest English-speaking school in his neighborhood was a Catholic school, open to the public, where he found himself the only non-Catholic in his class during his five years of attendance (1st-5th Grades). One wintry morning, his 4th Grade teacher stopped lecturing, pointed at him and yelled, "You are going to hell because you are not a Catholic." That moment was the "turning point," and he suddenly knew that God didn't care what religion he followed, but that he be a good soul, loving and helping others (God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him; First John 4:16).

This "awakening" soon led him to want to read and study the Bible for himself, to see where it taught that only Catholics go to Heaven. The second time he read the Bible through, he summarized every chapter and story in longhand, and it soon became evident that the entirety of the Bible was about the Way of God's Spirit and about His Spirit of the Law over the Letter of the Law.

Cord's work proves the Bible's Message of the Spirit, tearing down Christianity's walls of separatism, fear and superstition.

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