Truth Is Beauty That Hurts

The Collected Poems of Elizabeth M. Come

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ISBN: 1-57733-109-5, 108 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, paper, $14.95

There is much to love and enjoy in the poetry of Elizabeth M. Come, as you are about to discover. She was a woman who paid attention to the world, both outside her windows, and within. Her poems are filled with inner visions, of peace and aliveness and God, as well as a sense of the mystical wonders of nature, big as the sky, tiny as "the lace-making spider." She often reminds me of Emily Dickinson, and yet has a very specific charm all her own. These poems are filled with a sense of love and hurt, sensuality, creation, God and romantic love, animals and the soul, sweetness and anger, and a fierce social conscience....

Wise, and spiritual, and down to earth, she can be funny, and then she can break your heart; so there is joy in this poetry, and healing, sharp insight, truth, and pleasure.

- from the Foreword by Anne Lamott, author of Crooked Little Heart

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