Louise Platt Hauck

Author of: Beyond Boundaries

Louise Hauck was born with the gift of being able to sense, interpret and read the vibrations of the Universe, to gather its intelligence, translate it, and make sense of it in a meaningful way. She is committed through her counseling and teaching to helping others find and use their own power and gifts, which come from one's own awakening.

Louise is a native Californian with a background in music therapy and psychology. Her experience includes work at Milledgeville State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia, the Psychology Research Department at Patton State Hospital, and as a Behavior Modification Specialist at Fairview State Hospital in California. Additionally, she has served as a consultant to various schools, agencies, and special programs.

Louise has been guided on a spiritual path since her childhood and later began the study of metaphysics. For the past ten years she has effectively combined her psychology experience and spiritual awareness in readings and lectures.

More information about Louise Hauck at www.louisehauck.com

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