O Sane and Sacred Death

First Person Accounts of Death as received in hypnotic regressions

Louise Ireland-Frey, M.D.

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ISBN: 1-57733-090-0, 272 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paper, $15.95

Also by Louise Ireland-Frey:
Blossom of the Buddha
Book I: The Prince
Book II: The Homeless One
Book III: The Master

O Sane and Sacred Death studies the dying experience from various points of view - personal accounts of Near-Death Experiences and descriptions from "the other side" as communicated through hypnotherapy sessions.

This book was written to help people find the inherent beauty of death. Understanding how dying "feels" and what happens afterward, relieves fear for those facing the transition and grief for the survivors left behind.

If you wish to prepare for your own transition, or that of a loved one, or release the stigma associated with death, O Sane and Sacred Death sheds light, knowledge, and peace on this inevitable occurrence.


"Louise Ireland-Frey writes with clarity, candor, and conviction, providing a valuable addition to the body of literature dealing with death and survival." Irene Hickman, D.O., Mind Probe - Hypnosis and Remote Depossession

"It is good to find someone who will explore the process of dying and what lies beyond death in as simple and comfortable a way as Louise Ireland-Frey has done in this book. It brings an event often dripping in mystery and dread into full and candid view. Here death can finally be understood to be a simple and often joyous transition." Winafred Lucas, Ph.D., author of Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals

"Louise Ireland-Frey is perhaps the most gentle soul I have met in my entire life's journey. Yet with an inspiring courage, she steps directly into the midst of such highly controversial milieus as spirit possession and after-death survival. What she writes rings true for me; I have personally experienced much of what she describes. She has made a grand contribution to our knowledge of the spiritual reality." William J. Baldwin, Ph.D., author of Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual

"This well-written, well-documented, and easy-to-read book is a beautiful resource for the reader and brings light and understanding." Gladys Taylor McGarey, M.D., M.D.(H)

"This important work continues the pioneering efforts of Edgar Cayce and Edith Fiore. Louise Ireland-Frey, M.D., is a respected therapist; we scientists can continue to stretch our traditional boundaries." Logan H. Roots, M.D.

"O Sane and Sacred Death by Louise Ireland-Frey, M.D., is a spiritual view of death and of the afterlife. It includes many interesting case histories of people who have had Near-Death Experiences, as well as explorations of deaths remembered during hypnosis. Her book has wonderful and inspiring stories to tell of various types of death, what happens to animals after death, how family members can be comforted, communications with those who have died, and what life is like in after-death realms. Dr. Ireland-Frey has done a thorough study of many aspects about dying, and gives us so many examples in each area that make her book a valuable addition to the field of the study of death. This is a book that you will want to read all at once, it's so fascinating!" Rabia Clark, Ph.D., Certified Past Life Therapist and Hypnotherapist, author of Past Life Therapy, the State of the Art

"O Sane and Sacred Death by Louise Ireland-Frey, M.D., is a welcome addition to the growing body of evidence related to the existence of consciousness beyond the physical body. Dr. Ireland-Frey shares her vast personal experiences related to the subject of death, as well as her broad professional experiences as an M.D. and a hypnotherapist. ... I recommend O Sane and Sacred Death to anyone who is dealing with this issue in their personal lives, as well as to those who wish to expand their knowledge of current consciousness research." Janet Cunningham, Ph.D., President, International Assoc. for Regression Research and Therapies

Table of Contents


1. Introduction
2. Near-Death Experiences
3. Assisted Transition
4. Immediate Causes of Death
5. The Normal Pathways in the Next World
6. Abnormal Sequences after Death
7. Normalizing the Abnormal
8. "Why Me?"
9. Nature's Stern Wise Mercy
10. We Survivors
11. Death Comes for Animals, Too
12. And on Beyond



Dying and death are almost always peaceful. It is beforehand that there is pain, fear, and struggle. Nurses report the almost universal quietude and ease with which their terminal patients slip away. Theirs are first-hand reports of what they see and hear as their patients complete the life cycle.

This book goes one step farther, reporting what the patients themselves (sic) tell us after their bodies have died; in other words, these are first person reports of dying and death: "I died ... I knew I was dead...." I have compiled several different classes of these first-person reports.

First of all are my own. I have contacted about sixteen previous lives and have passed through the death experience ending several of those lives. I can say, "Yes, I have died before and I know what it is like to die." Of course each death is different from all others, yet all have similarities.

Second are my clients' past-life deaths as experienced during hypnotic sessions. These are told to me in first person: "I floated up ... I could look down and see my body...."

Third are the death-experiences of souls I have "released" from my clients. Not being part of the client's own self or psyche as multiple personalities are, each obsessing soul (see Glossary) has its own life history and death history. I have released hundreds of such obsessing souls from my clients by "Releasement"techniques (see Glossary), and their death stories make as large a group as those of clients' past-life deaths.

Fourth are the death-experiences of various types of "earth-bound souls" contacted and assisted ("Rescued") through the channeling of psychic friends or persons in hypnosis, e.g., wandering souls, ghosts, poltergeists, and so on, including most suicides. All of these are souls in need of help. After assisting a group of suicides to pass from their state of despair into a higher state, the person who was the channel told us, "Their feelings of gratitude were almost overwhelming." (Incident at a workshop which the channel, Mary L. Farmer, and I gave in 1992.)

For me and many other therapists the thought of "death in the first person" is quite ordinary. Thousands of people have had spontaneous flash-backs to a past life; tens of thousands have had a regression to a past life by a therapist or facilitator. Edith Fiore and Dick Sutphen alone have regressed thousands, and the list of other fine therapists who also perform past-life regressions is too long to add here. And if we have lived before, we have died before.

Blue Dolphin Publishing, 2002

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